Zoning Regulations
The Village Zoning Regulations are referenced in Chapter 10 of the code.  The code is accessed at the following website link: https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/shermanil/latest/overview

Subdivision Regulations
The Village Subdivision Regulations may be accessed via the following website link: https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/shermanil/latest/sherman_il/0-0-0-3819. Please reference Chapter 11 for these regulations.

The link to Village’s Code which establishes the Village Planning Committee is: https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/shermanil/latest/sherman_il/0-0-0-566. Refer to Title 2, Chapter 3, Planning Committee of the Village Code for the specific information.

Planning & Zoning Committee Contact 
Mike Stratton, Village Administrator 

Plat Officer Contact 
Kevin Kuhn, Village Engineer